Exercise Gallery

Showing 121-140 of 178 items.
#Short/Long ListNameGroupStartfixationStart ImageFixation ImageVideo
121Short ListCLEAN from Different Starting PositionsCLEANFrom Various Starting PositionTo the Same Position
122Short ListHandstand PushupsJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHandstand - Straight HandsFlexed Elbows - Handstand
123Long ListSNATCH from Hang to Half SquatSNATCHHang - Knee Levelto Half Squat
124Short ListSNATCH from HangSNATCHHang - Knee Levelto Deep Squat
125Short ListPower SNATCH from HangSNATCHHang - Knee Levelto Quarter Squat
126Short ListBent Over Barbell RowJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHang Below the KneePull to Low AB's
127Short ListMuscle ups on the Horizontal BarJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHanging on the horizontal barResting on the Bar
128Short ListCoup riseJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHanging on the horizontal barHanging on the horizontal bar
129Short ListToes to BarJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHanging on the horizontal barToes to bar
130Short ListChin upsJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHanging on the horizontal barHanging on the horizontal bar
131Short ListPull upsJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHanging on the horizontal barHanging on the horizontal bar
132Short ListMuscle ups on RingsJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHanging on the RingsResting on rings on both hands
133Short ListCLEAN from Hang & Push-PressCLEAN & JERKKnee LevelOver Head - Straight Legs
134Long ListCLEAN from Hang & Power JERK to Half SquatCLEAN & JERKKnee LevelOver Head to Half Squat
135Long ListCLEAN from Hang & Squat JERKCLEAN & JERKKnee LevelOver Head to Deep Squat
136Long ListCLEAN from Hang & Power JERKCLEAN & JERKKnee LevelOver Head to Quarter Squat
137Short ListPower CLEAN from HangCLEANKnee Levelto Quarter Squat
138Long ListCLEAN from Hang to Half SquatCLEANKnee Levelto Half Squat
139Short ListCLEAN from HangCLEANKnee Levelto Deep Squat
140Short ListBench PRESSPRESSlying on a benchBending and Straightening arms