Exercise Gallery

Showing 1-20 of 178 items.
#Short/Long ListNameGroupStartfixationStart ImageFixation ImageVideo
1Short ListShoulder PRESS (Sitting on the Bench)PRESSBarbel on the chest LevelOverhead on straightened arms
2Short ListSNATCH BalanceSNATCHBarbell Behind the NeckOver Head to Deep Squat
3Short ListSQUAT to BenchSQUATBarbell behind the neckTouching the Bench
4Short ListGood Morning followed by Push-PressJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESBarbell behind the neckOver Head
5Short ListBack Squat + PressCOMBINED EXERCISESBarbell behined the NeckOver Head
6Short ListHalf Front SquatSQUATBarbell on the ChestBarbell on the Chest
7Short ListPush JERK (Behind the Neck) Snatch GripJERK (from Chest)Behind the NeckOver Head to Quarter Squat
8Long ListMUSCLE CLEAN from HangCLEANBelow Knee Levelto Chest on the Shoulders
9Short ListSnatch PULL from HangPULLBelow Knee LevelFull Extension
10Short ListMuscle Snatch from HangSNATCHBelow Knee LevelOver Head - straight legs
11Short ListPower Push-Jerk in Deep SquatJERK (from Chest)Deep Front Squat PositionBar Overhead in Deep Squat Pos
12Short ListSots Press in Deep Squat - Wide GripPRESSDeep Squat Bar Behind the NeckOver Head in Deep Squat
13Short ListClean Pull from Blocks + Clean + SquatCOMBINED EXERCISESfrom Blockson Chest
14Short ListPower Clean from Blocks + Squat + Power JerkCOMBINED EXERCISESfrom BlocksOver Head
15Short ListClean Pull from Blocks + CLEAN from BlocksCOMBINED EXERCISESfrom Blockson the Chest
16Short ListSnatch PULL from BlocksPULLFrom BlocksEnd of second pull
17Short ListSnatch Pull from Blocks + SNATCH from BlocksCOMBINED EXERCISESfrom BlocksOver Head
18Short ListPower Clean from Blocks + Squat + JerkCOMBINED EXERCISESfrom BlocksOver Head
19Short ListClean PULL from BlocksPULLfrom BlocksEnd of second pull
20Short ListPower CLEAN from BlocksCLEANfrom Blocks - Knee Levelto Quarter Squat