Exercise Gallery

Showing 141-160 of 178 items.
#Short/Long ListNameGroupStartfixationStart ImageFixation ImageVideo
141Short ListMuscle SNATCHSNATCHFrom the PlatformOver Head - straight legs
142Short ListClean to Half Squat + Squat + JerkCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom the PlatformOver Head to Split Squat
143Short ListPull + Clean + Squat + Push-PressCOMBINED EXERCISESPlatformOver Head to Half Squat
144Short ListPush-PressJERK (from Chest)from Racks BB on the ChestOver Head with Bent Legs/Knees
145Short ListFront Squat + JerkCOMBINED EXERCISESfrom RacksOver Head - Split Jerk
146Short ListHyperextensionJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESLying on the gym benchBack Extension - Straight back
147Short ListDEAD LIFTPULLFrom the Platformend of second pull
148Long ListPush-Press (Behind the Neck)JERK (from Chest)from Racks Bar Behind the NeckOver Head - straight legs
149Long ListSNATCH from Blocks to Half SquatSNATCHfrom Blocks - Knee Levelto Half Squat
150Long ListMUSCLE CLEANCLEANFrom the Platformto Chest on the Shoulders
151Long ListCLEAN Standing on a Block to Half SquatCLEANStanding on a Pedestalto Half Squat
152Long ListMUSCLE CLEAN from HangCLEANBelow Knee Levelto Chest on the Shoulders
153Long ListCLEAN to Half SquatCLEANFrom the Platformto Half Squat
154Long ListClean First PULLPULLFrom the PlatformAbove the Knee
155Long ListSnatch First PULLPULLFrom the PlatformAbove the Knee
156Long ListSNATCH Standing on a Block to Half SquatSNATCHStanding on a Pedestalto Half Squat
157Long ListPush JERK to Half SquatJERK (from Chest)from RacksOver Head to Half Squat
158Long ListCLEAN from Blocks & Power JERK to Half SquatCLEAN & JERKFrom Blocks - Knee LevelOver Head to Half Squat
159Long ListCLEAN Standing on a BlockCLEANStanding on a Pedestalto Deep Squat
160Long ListPower CLEAN Standing on a BlockCLEANStanding on a Pedestalto Quarter Squat