Exercise Gallery

Showing 61-80 of 178 items.
#Short/Long ListNameGroupStartfixationStart ImageFixation ImageVideo
61Short ListPush-Press + Snatch Balance + Overhead SquatCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom Stands - Behind the NeckOver Head to Deep Squat
62Short ListPower SNATCH Standing on a BlockSNATCHStanding on a Pedestalto Quarter Squat
63Short ListMuscle Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead SquatCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom PlatformOver Head to Deep Squat
64Short ListPush JERK (Behind the Neck) Snatch GripJERK (from Chest)Behind the NeckOver Head to Quarter Squat
65Short ListBack SQUATSQUATfrom Racksto Deep Squat
66Short ListFront SQUATSQUATfrom RacksDeep Squat
67Short ListSnatch PULLPULLFrom the Platformend of second pull
68Short ListClean PULLPULLFrom the Platformend of second pull
69Short ListMuscle Snatch + Overhead SquatCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom the Platform or HangOver Head to Deep Squat
70Short ListPRESS (Behind the Neck) Wide GripPRESSFrom Stands - Behind the NeckOver Head
71Short ListPush JERK Behind the NeckJERK (from Chest)from RacksOver Head to Quarter Squat
72Short ListSquat JERKJERK (from Chest)from RacksOver Head to Deep Squat
73Short ListDecline PressPRESSon the Decline BenchOn the Bench with Straight Arm
74Short ListClean + SquatCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom the PlatformDeep Front Squat
75Short ListSnatch PULL from BlocksPULLFrom BlocksEnd of second pull
76Short ListClean PULL from BlocksPULLfrom BlocksEnd of second pull
77Short ListJERKJERK (from Chest)From RacksSplit - Over Head
78Short ListSplit JERK Behind the NeckJERK (from Chest)from Racks / Behind the NeckSplit - Over Head
79Short ListPower JERKJERK (from Chest)from RacksOver Head to Quarter Squat
80Short ListClean First Pull + Clean PullPULLFrom the PlatformFull Extension