Exercise Gallery

Showing 161-178 of 178 items.
#Short/Long ListNameGroupStartfixationStart ImageFixation ImageVideo
161Long ListSnatch PULL Standing on a BlockPULLStanding on Pedestalend of second pull
162Long ListSNATCH Standing on a BlockSNATCHStanding on a Blockto Deep Squat
163Long ListSNATCH Standing on a Block to Half SquatSNATCHStanding on a Pedestalto Half Squat
164Short ListSNATCH to Different Ending (fixation) PositionsSNATCHVarious starting PositionsDifferent Ending Positions
165Long ListSNATCH to Half SquatSNATCHFrom the Platformto Half Squat
166Short ListSNATCH without Jumping (with force of arms)SNATCHfrom PlatformOver Head
167Short ListSots Press in Deep Squat - Wide GripPRESSDeep Squat Bar Behind the NeckOver Head in Deep Squat
168Short ListSplit JERK Behind the NeckJERK (from Chest)from Racks / Behind the NeckSplit - Over Head
169Short ListSplit Push JERKJERK (from Chest)with bar on the chestOver Head
170Short ListSplit SquatJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESfrom RacksStraightened Legs
171Short ListSquat JERKJERK (from Chest)from RacksOver Head to Deep Squat
172Long ListSquat JERK Behind the NeckJERK (from Chest)from RacksOver Head to Deep Squat
173Short ListSQUAT to BenchSQUATBarbell behind the neckTouching the Bench
174Short ListStanding Long Jump* (cm)JUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESStanding with Both FeetLanding on Both Feet
175Short ListTHRUSTER (Squat + Push-Press)COMBINED EXERCISESfrom the ChestOver Head - Straight Legs
176Short ListThruster to Split JerkCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom Deep Front Squat PositionSplit Jerk Position
177Short ListToes to BarJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHanging on the horizontal barToes to bar
178Short ListUpright RowJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESfrom the hangRow to Chin