Exercise Gallery

Showing 1-20 of 178 items.
#Short/Long ListNameGroupStartfixationStart ImageFixation ImageVideo
1Long ListSnatch First PULLPULLFrom the PlatformAbove the Knee
2Long ListClean First PULLPULLFrom the PlatformAbove the Knee
3Short ListHyperextensionJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESLying on the gym benchBack Extension - Straight back
4Short ListPower Push-Jerk in Deep SquatJERK (from Chest)Deep Front Squat PositionBar Overhead in Deep Squat Pos
5Short ListCLEAN from (Hip) HangCLEANFrom HangBarbell on Chest
6Short ListHalf Front SquatSQUATBarbell on the ChestBarbell on the Chest
7Short ListJERK DipJERK (from Chest)from Stands or RackBarbell on the Chest
8Short ListFront Squat + Power JERKCOMBINED EXERCISESfrom RacksBarbell Overhead
9Short ListBench PRESSPRESSlying on a benchBending and Straightening arms
10Short ListClean + SquatCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom the PlatformDeep Front Squat
11Short ListFront SQUATSQUATfrom RacksDeep Squat
12Short ListCLEAN to Different Ending (Fixations) PositionsCLEANVarious (Platform - Hang)Deep Squat, Half Squat Various
13Short ListSNATCH to Different Ending (fixation) PositionsSNATCHVarious starting PositionsDifferent Ending Positions
14Long ListSnatch PULL Standing on a BlockPULLStanding on Pedestalend of second pull
15Short ListClean PULL from BlocksPULLfrom BlocksEnd of second pull
16Short ListClean PULL from HangPULLfrom HangEnd of second pull
17Short ListSnatch PULLPULLFrom the Platformend of second pull
18Short ListSnatch Dead PULLPULLFrom the Platformend of second pull
19Long ListClean PULL Standing on a BlockPULLfrom the Pedestalend of second pull
20Short ListDEAD LIFTPULLFrom the Platformend of second pull