Exercise Gallery

Showing 81-100 of 178 items.
#Short/Long ListNameGroupStartfixationStart ImageFixation ImageVideo
81Short ListSnatch PULL from Mono-BlockPULLfrom the Mono-BlockStraightened Legs
82Long ListClean PULL Standing on a BlockPULLfrom the Pedestalend of second pull
83Short ListPower CLEANCLEANFrom the Platformto Quarter Squat
84Short ListCLEANCLEANFrom the Platformto Deep Squat
85Short ListPower SNATCHSNATCHFrom the Platformto Quarter Squat
86Short ListClean Pull + Clean + SquatCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom the PlatformOn the Chest
87Short ListSnatch First Pull + Snatch PullPULLFrom the PlatformFull Extension
88Short ListPower Clean + Squat + JerkCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom the PlatformOver Head - Split Jerk
89Short ListClean First Pull + Clean PullPULLFrom the PlatformFull Extension
90Short ListDEAD LIFTPULLFrom the Platformend of second pull
91Short ListSnatch Dead PULLPULLFrom the Platformend of second pull
92Short ListMuscle Snatch + Press + Overhead SquatCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom the PlatformOver Head to Deep Squat
93Short ListClean + SquatCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom the PlatformDeep Front Squat
94Short ListCLEAN & JERK (Classic)CLEAN & JERKFrom the PlatformOver Head
95Short ListMuscle SNATCHSNATCHFrom the PlatformOver Head - straight legs
96Long ListMUSCLE CLEANCLEANFrom the Platformto Chest on the Shoulders
97Short ListClean to Half Squat + Squat + JerkCOMBINED EXERCISESFrom the PlatformOver Head to Split Squat
98Long ListSnatch First PULLPULLFrom the PlatformAbove the Knee
99Long ListClean First PULLPULLFrom the PlatformAbove the Knee
100Long ListCLEAN to Half SquatCLEANFrom the Platformto Half Squat