Exercise Gallery

Showing 141-160 of 178 items.
#Short/Long ListNameGroupStartfixationStart ImageFixation ImageVideo
141Short ListHandstand PushupsJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHandstand - Straight HandsFlexed Elbows - Handstand
142Short ListBurpeesJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESStanding on both feetStanding on both feet
143Short ListMuscle ups on RingsJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHanging on the RingsResting on rings on both hands
144Short ListMuscle ups on the Horizontal BarJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHanging on the horizontal barResting on the Bar
145Short ListDouble Unders with Jump RopeJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESStanding on Both FootsJumping on Both Foots
146Short ListRunningJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESStandingRunning
147Short ListRowing on a Row MachineJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESSitting on Row MachinePushing Legs and Pulling Arms
148Short ListToes to BarJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESHanging on the horizontal barToes to bar
149Short ListPistol SquatJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESStanding on One LegSquat on One Leg
150Short ListPower Snatch + SNATCHCOMBINED EXERCISESfrom PlatformOver Head
151Short ListGood Morning followed by Push-PressJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESBarbell behind the neckOver Head
152Short ListFront Squat + Power JERKCOMBINED EXERCISESfrom RacksBarbell Overhead
153Short ListPause JERKJERK (from Chest)with a barbell on the chestOver Head
154Short ListPause Power JERKJERK (from Chest)with a barbell on the chestOver Head
155Short ListPower JERK + Split JERKCOMBINED EXERCISESwith a barbell on the chestOver Head
156Short ListSplit SquatJUMPS & ADDITIONAL EXERCISESfrom RacksStraightened Legs
157Short ListSNATCH without Jumping (with force of arms)SNATCHfrom PlatformOver Head
158Short ListCLEAN without Jumping (with force of arms)CLEANfrom Platformon the Chest
159Short ListSNATCH (Competition Lift)SNATCHfrom PlatformOver Head
160Short ListCLEAN & JERK (Competition Lift)CLEAN & JERKfrom PlatformOver Head